Heroic Alaskan woman bounces opossum from Brooklyn bar

Did you hear the one about the opossum who walks into a bar — and gets owned by an Alaskan woman?

A courageous gal from up north came to the rescue of New York revelers last week after heroically “bouncing” an interloping opossum from a Brooklyn bar. A video of the impromptu animal controller’s good deed is now going viral on Instagram, and city slickers praise her varmint-handling prowess.

“I think it was just instinctual,” Sara Fulton — who goes by @Sarakalee on Instagram — told NBC New York of handling the scruffy customer. “I’m from Alaska, and I used to go camping with black bears hanging out at my campsite.”

This now-viral rapscallion wandered into Temkin’s Bar in Greenpoint last Thursday night, sending patrons into a panic.

Fulton painted the scene, describing, “I was outside hanging out with my friend outside the bar, the door was open, and then all of a sudden we see this critter run in, and we looked at each other, and we just were like, ‘Was that a dog? Is that a rat?’ “

“Hold the camera — I’m from Alaska,” Sara Fulton declared in the viral clip after the opossum wandered into the bar.
Instagram / @sarakalee

“We both looked at each other and were like, ‘That was too big to be a rat! It has to be an opossum,’ ” the Last Frontier native recalled.

In the awe-inspiring footage on her Instagram, captioned “I did that,” bar patrons can be heard screaming as the opossum enters the joint and darts under a table. That’s when Fulton comes to the rescue.

“Hold the camera — I’m from Alaska,” she declares before calmly reaching down and grabbing the furry interloper with her bare hand. The confident gal then nonchalantly saunters towards the door while holding the critter by the scruff of its neck like a naughty cat as bar-goers look on in awe.

“I just like went up to him, and I was like, ‘Hey, I know you’re afraid,’ ” Fulton recalled. “And I was like, ‘Alright, I think I’m just gonna scruff you and take you out because that would be the least painful for you.’ “
Instagram / @sarakalee

The saga ends with the lone hero depositing the opossum outside, next to a garbage bag a la Patrick Swayze’s character in “Roadhouse.”

“I just like went up to him and I was like, ‘Hey, I know you’re afraid,’ ” the opossum whisperer recalled. “And I was like, ‘Alright, I think I’m just gonna scruff you and take you out because that would be the least painful for you.’ “

Fulton received several rounds of free drinks as a reward for saving the day.
Fulton received several rounds of free drinks at Temkin’s Bar in Greenpoint as a reward for saving the day.
Instagram / @sarakalee
Fulton deposited the bar-crasher outside next to the trash.
Fulton deposited the bar-crasher outside next to the trash.
Instagram / @sarakalee

While several times bigger than your average New York City rat, the marsupial didn’t phase Fulton, who was used to being around large animals all the time, including a moose that she said used to live in her backyard.

Needless to say, her heroism struck a chord with the bar goers, who reportedly bought her oodles of free drinks as a reward for saving the day.

“Everyone bought her so many rounds, it…

Read More: Heroic Alaskan woman bounces opossum from Brooklyn bar

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