Japan: Courtesy call on Chief Cabinet Secretary MATSUNO Hirokazu by H.E. Mr.

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On June 3, commencing at 10:28 AM for approximately 25 minutes, Mr. MATSUNO Hirokazu, Chief Cabinet Secretary of Japan, received a courtesy call from H. E. Mr. Othman Jerandi, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Migration and Tunisians Abroad of the Republic of Tunisia, who is visiting Japan. The overview is as follows:

  1. At the outset, Chief Cabinet Secretary Matsuno expressed his welcome for Minister Jerandi’s visit to Japan and stated that Japan hopes to further strengthen cooperation with Tunisia in preparation for TICAD 8 in August, which Tunisia will host. In response, Minister Jerandi expressed his hope to work closely with Japan for the success of TICAD8.
  2. Chief Cabinet Secretary Matsuno also stated that Japan regards it important that the political reforms that Tunisia is currently undertaking are implemented with broad public support and procedural transparency, and expressed Japan’s intention to continue its support for Tunisia’s efforts toward the economic and financial reform. In response, Minister Jerandi expressed his gratitude for Japan’s longstanding support to Tunisia.
  3. Furthermore, both sides exchanged views on the situation in Ukraine and the response to North Korea including on the nuclear, missile and abductions issues, and affirmed that they would continue to coordinate in dealing with these issues.

Distributed by APO Group on behalf of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan.

Read More: Japan: Courtesy call on Chief Cabinet Secretary MATSUNO Hirokazu by H.E. Mr.

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