Donald Trump latest news: Ex-president’s lawyers to meet 6 January committee

Mitch McConnell explains why he will still support Donald Trump

Two lawyers who served at the most senior level in the Trump White House are today set to talk to the committee investigating events leading up to the 6 January insurrection. Former White House counsel Pat Cipollone and his onetime deputy Pat Philbin are reportedly speaking to the committee on a semi-formal basis rather than giving full testimony.

Meanwhile, the latest Capitol riot defendant to go on trial is blaming his actions on Donald Trump and his false claims about a stolen election, in a rare mention of the former president’s role during the ongoing hearings.

Dustin Byron Thompson, an Ohio man charged with stealing a coat rack from the Capitol, did not deny that he joined the mob on 6 January 2021. But his lawyer vowed on Tuesday to show that Mr Trump abused his power to “authorise” the attack.

Describing Mr Trump as a man without scruples or integrity, defence attorney Samuel Shamansky said the former president engaged in a “sinister” plot to encourage Mr Thompson and other supporters to “do his dirty work.”


Pence claims he “stood toe to toe” with Putin

As Donald Trump makes a haphazard effort to walk back his long history of remarks praising Vladimir Putin’s strength and supposed strategic brilliance, former vice president Mike Pence claimed yesterday that he had told Mr Putin some hard truths when encountering him during his own time in office.

Andrew Naughtie13 April 2022 14:45


Lauren Boebert gets a primary challenger

Far-right Colorado representative and gun-themed restaurant owner Lauren Boebert, who infamously tweeted the words “This is 1776” on the day of the Capitol riot, has attracted a Republican primary challenger.

Longtime state legislator Don Coram says on his campaign website that “When the fringe leaders of both political spectrums have taken all the oxygen in the room and act more like out-of-touch celebrities than members of Congress, we have a problem” – a judgment shared by many less outré Republicans than Ms Boebert, but not by Donald Trump, who has endorsed her for re-election.

Andrew Naughtie13 April 2022 14:10


Report: GOP candidate claims to own nonexistent companies

Controversial Georgia Senate candidate Herschel Walker has attracted Donald Trump’s endorsement, but his history of alleged violence against his ex-wife and steady stream of bizarre and mangled interviews have some Republicans worried that he might fail to knock off Raphael Warnock in the fall.

Now, another problem has presented itself. The Daily Beast’s Roger Sollenberger reports that Mr Walker’s various boasts about his achievements in business appear to be exaggerated or even downright false:

“The Republican Senate hopeful and longtime friend of Donald Trump has, for whatever reason, chosen to dramatically inflate his business record, according to a Daily Beast investigation. In doing so, Walker has established a parallel record of demonstrably false claims, many of which appear to bear no resemblance to reality whatsoever.

While Walker’s business record has been picked over…

Read More: Donald Trump latest news: Ex-president’s lawyers to meet 6 January committee

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