Cabinet undecided over onshore wind ahead of UK energy plan | Wind power

Ministers have not yet made a final decision about whether to include a renewed push for onshore wind in next week’s energy independence plan, with some in cabinet sceptical about the move, government sources say.

The business secretary, Kwasi Kwarteng, has made clear publicly that he would like to see planning rules relaxed, in order to facilitate the building of more onshore wind farms, and Michael Gove, who oversees the planning system, has also spoken out in favour.

However, one cabinet minister told the Guardian there shouldn’t be a rush to onshore wind because it’s “not cost effective” and “extremely expensive”.

Some are understood to prefer a push for fracking, despite safety and environmental concerns.

The energy independence plan was announced by the prime minister in the wake of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Set to be published next week, it is expected to signal a rapid expansion of nuclear power and accelerated targets for renewables – but it is unclear whether a relaxation of planning rules around onshore wind will be included.

A Downing Street source insisted “all options have to be on the table, given global price increases and the need to be self-sufficient – but nothing is decided yet”.

David Cameron’s government tightened planning rules for onshore wind developments in 2014, requiring more local consultation. Sparked by grassroots Tory opposition from communities which saw the turbines as an eyesore, the move has effectively acted as a moratorium.

Eight members of Boris Johnson’s cabinet – Jacob Rees-Mogg, Steve Barclay, Brandon Lewis, Nadine Dorries, Nadhim Zahawi and Mark Spencer – were signatories to a 2012 letter opposing onshore wind, though a No 10 source insisted, “I wouldn’t read too much into that”.

At the time, the communities secretary, Eric Pickles, said, “we need to ensure that protecting the local environment is properly considered alongside the broader issues of protecting the global environment.”

Kwarteng has suggested the public’s opposition to wind farms has fallen away, given the push for net zero, and the renewed interest in energy self-sufficiency since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

“There were quite understandable political reasons that people didn’t want to see large-scale, onshore winds in their vicinity. I think that’s changed,” he told the i earlier this week. “I think the prime minister has been very clear that onshore wind has got to be part of the mix and we’ve got to look at planning.”

He added: “the argument about onshore wind in 2015 was a historic argument even before we committed to net-zero and the circumstances today with Putin. Russia, Saudi Arabia, all of those things mean that we’ve got to have more energy independence and I think onshore renewables are absolutely part of that.”

Asked if the prime minister agreed with Kwarteng’s view, Johnson’s official spokesman said on Tuesday: “I think the public has recognised the need to diversify our energy supply, and the importance of having sustainable energy sources, which move away from the volatility we see from non-renewables.”

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Read More: Cabinet undecided over onshore wind ahead of UK energy plan | Wind power

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