5 Hong Kong Podcasts You Should Listen to Right Now

From personal stories to cultural journeys and entertaining fiction, we’ve rounded up five Hong Kong podcasts to listen to this fall.

While most of us have come to appreciate podcasts as an engaging form of storytelling and source of information, in many cases, we tend to overlook local productions.

Here are five locally-produced gems you should check out right now.

Hong Kong Stories

This Hong Kong podcast features true stories told before a live audience. From funny anecdotes, to emotional adventures and sad experiences, you’ll hear it all. If you want to share you story, you can also attend one of Hong Kong Stories’ regular ‘story nights.’

Fool Me Twice

This true crime podcasts follows the real-life story of Australian expat Jules Hannaford, who was scammed by an online lover. The series is hosted by her daughter Zara and explores the complicated – and often scary – world of online dating, complementing the victim’s personal experience with guest interviews from experts.

Home Grown

hong kong podcasts

During the 45-minute-long episodes of their Hong Kong-based podcast, hosts Lou and Fantastic Fo question their guests on subjects that span from the personal and theoretical to the professional and amusing. Entertaining stories and relatable anecdotes are at the base of HomeGrown, which explores the experiences of Black expats in our city and across Asia.

#impact Podcast

Presented by Regina Larko, #impact Podcast tells the stories of people making a an environmental and social impact on society with their work. The diverse places where the host records the episodes represent Hong Kong’s vibrant and ever-changing nature and each guest’s connection to the city.

Ho Ho Hong Kong

Hong Kong podcasts
(image: Ho Ho Hong Kong)

Every Monday, Egyptian comic Mohammed Magdi and local comedian Vivek Mahbubani take listeners on a new adventure, from local events to restaurants’ kitchens and cultural landmarks. While the series can be hilarious, Ho Ho Hong Kong often delves into timely issues like homelessness and mental health.

Read More: 5 Hong Kong Podcasts You Should Listen to Right Now

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