Coronavirus in Russia: The Latest News | Sept. 3

Russia has confirmed 6,975,174 cases of coronavirus and 185,611 deaths, according to the national coronavirus information center. Russia’s total excess fatality count since the start of the coronavirus pandemic is around 596,000.

Sept. 3: What you need to know today

  • Russia on Friday reported 18,856 new coronavirus cases and 799 deaths.
  • Russia could see a renewed surge of the coronavirus as early as this month, top health officials have warned.
  • Slovakia will halt the use of Sputnik V due to low demand among its population, reports said Tuesday. The EU member state’s decision to approve the Russian vaccine ahead of EU approval sparked a political uproar that led to the resignation of its prime minister.
  • Russia’s Sputnik V vaccine demonstrated 94.8% efficacy against Covid-19, according to real world data from San Marino, where around 70% of the population have been inoculated with Sputnik V, the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF) said Thursday. The vaccine also showed 95.9% effectiveness against hospitalization.
  • The protection offered by Russia’s Sputnik V coronavirus vaccine could increase during the first six months after vaccination, a preliminary study in Argentina has found. Researchers analyzed blood samples of those inoculated with the Russian jab and found antibody responses were stronger six months after being vaccinated compared to levels recorded three weeks after the second dose.

Aug. 26

— Russia registered its fifth coronavirus vaccine, EpiVacCorona-N, Interfax reported. The Health Ministry said it was an upgrade on the already-approved EpiVacCorona jab, which had been under scrutiny after clinical trial participants raised questions about the vaccine’s effectiveness. Both were developed by the state-run Vector Institute.

— Russia’s Sputnik V coronavirus vaccine offers strong protection against hospitalization, according to scientists who have conducted the first independent real-world study of the jab’s effectiveness in combating severe infections.

Aug. 18

— Russia will launch a nationwide lottery for citizens who are vaccinated, according to an order signed by Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin. One thousand winners will be randomly selected to receive cash prizes of 100,000 rubles ($1,360).

Aug. 17

— Thailand will allow tourists vaccinated with Russia’s Sputnik V to enter its Phuket Sandbox areas, the Bangkok Post reported.

Aug. 13

— Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin has canceled rules requiring employers in the capital to ensure at least 30% of unvaccinated staff work remotely. Guidelines to employers to regularly test employees for coronavirus and take temperature checks have also been scrapped.

Aug. 12

— Chinese aviation authorities have suspended Moscow-Shanghai flights operated by Russian flagship carrier Aeroflot for two weeks starting Monday, Aug. 16, after five Covid-19 cases were detected among passengers on the July 30 flight, the Russian state-run news website reported.

Aug. 11

— Russia’s Sputnik V vaccine…

Read More: Coronavirus in Russia: The Latest News | Sept. 3

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