Trey Lance has small “chip” in his finger, will miss about a week

Las Vegas Raiders v San Francisco 49ers

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The 49ers’ plans for Trey Lance in the season opener potentially could change after an injury in Sunday’s game.

49ers coach Kyle Shanahan revealed Monday that the rookie quarterback has a “small chip” in a finger. Shanahan would not specify which finger or on which hand.

“I’m not going to get into which finger it is. It’s one of his five,” Shanahan said without specifying which hand, but presumably, based on the coach’s quote, it is Lance’s throwing hand.

Shanahan expects Lance to miss about seven days while the injury heals.

The 49ers open the season Sept. 12 against the Lions.

Lance talked about the injury after the game but did not make a big deal of it.

“I don’t really honestly even remember what play it happened on,” Lance said, via David Bonilla “But I think I jammed it on a helmet or something. But yeah, I’m not worried about it. I’ll see how it feels [Monday], for sure. I think we’ll be able to tell a little bit more. But yeah, not too worried about it at all.”

Shanahan also allowed that offensive tackle Shon Coleman strained a triceps and will be “out awhile.”

Read More: Trey Lance has small “chip” in his finger, will miss about a week

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