Meghan Markle latest news – Prince Harry is ‘playing victim’ & Duchess ‘has been


Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have been accused accused of preaching about “protecting the environment” despite “jetting off on private flights”.

Prince Harry is “playing the victim card at every possible opportunity” and epitomises everything “wrong with woke”, a leading academic has claimed.

Joanna Williams, a leading academic and director of a think-tank, says Harry has led a life of “incredible privilege” and is “preaching” to the public despite enjoying a jet-setting lifestyle with wife Meghan.

“You’ve got a white man – however you want to play this, whether on identitarian grounds, or somebody who’s money has come through inheritance – with huge amounts of wealth, who has had all kinds of doors opened for him, who has lived a life of incredible privilege,” Williams told the Express.

“And yet he somehow manages to play the victim card at every available opportunity and thinks that his victim status, whether it’s through mental health or through racism by proxy because of his relationship to Meghan, allows him to preach to the rest of us.

Read More: Meghan Markle latest news – Prince Harry is ‘playing victim’ & Duchess ‘has been

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